Sunday, January 29, 2012

My fellow Americans,  We are in grave danger. With the passage of NDAA you can now be detained as a US citizen if merely suspected of being a "terrorist," with no evidence presented to a judge, no warrant, no due process, no lawyer-hell, they don't even have to CHARGE you, held indefinitely with no trial and no rights-in Gitmo, in other words, Habeous Corpus is suspended-for United States Citizens, right here in America. (we can hope it wouldn't be abused...but it is a dangerous precedent.)      Now if that doesn't have you rattled, throw in The Enemy Expatriation Act-- which they could follow up with and strip your citizenship. Oh yes. I am serious. Congress is considering HR 3166 and S. 1698, sponsored by Joe Leiberman (D), which frighteningly mirrors Nuremberg laws by taking away natural citizenship of citizens due to meeting certain racial and political criteria that was considered a threat to the Nazi regime or in this case The Establishment in America & it will be put forth with a blast of gov't & media propaganda-And it's dangerous because the term "supporting hostiles" is far too vague and objective.      Also, in the lovely halls of our corrupted-to-the-core-congress, is a bill trying to label the group of activists from many different countries, that had their flotilla (headed from Greece to Gaza to aid/feed Palestinian Refugees) boarded and attacked by the Israeli Military. Yes. That's correct. OUR Govt is now in the game of deciding whether or not to label a group of people on a flotilla, "hostiles/terrorists," in an issue not involving us in the least.    Hypothetically, if you, as an American-felt the plight of the Palestinian people & donated $ to an aid organization to get food to them--under NDAA and the EEA you're screwed! Take the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and throw it right out the window. Pack your bags and head for Guantanamo Bay. Because, you, my friend, are no longer an American Citizen as decided by ambiguous and broad language in the most UNconstitutional set of laws Ever brought forth. Yes, you have just woken up in George Orwell's 1984.       I am tired of the Federal Judges who legislate from the bench & regulate by UN-Constitutional decree; they should be fired. Politicians who line their own coffers with the blood and sweat of their constituents should be impeached, tarred and feathered, and then run out of office on the point of a goad, but no one wishes to discuss politics in public because of lies and division. The truth is that people wish to effect policies that favor them. Money in politics is so far out of control, the only way we will EVER see change is to have a separation of money in politics like we have church and state. Latest example, ten particular Congressional politicians in favor of the bill known as SOPA received a combined total of $15,156,282 from the SOPA backers who bought their favor in voting "yes." the way the system is rigged--anyone with enough money can buy any legislation they want...or at least try to. These are the same politicians who have been in office forever and over time, have tweaked laws to benefit the ones who funnel money to them. TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS!   How much longer will we support, through our votes, or political inactivity, or plain ambivalence the ever expanding Military Industrial Complex, the Hubris, the war-profiteering, the sending jobs and money over seas, our friends dying in wars designed to put billions into the pockets of the 1% of the 1% and their buddies in Congress, marching us into the NWO! Stop the interventionism! THEY ARE OVER HERE BECAUSE WE ARE OVER THERE! Pull our troops back and build a larger military at home! Secure our borders! Stop the rampant spending! End the Fed! The Federal Reserve is a private Entity! Our paper currency is fiat money backed by NOTHING! End fractional banking! When you deposit $100, it is loaned out NINE different ways. The banks turn your $100 into $900 of high interest bad debt with the click of a button. And they know it! Stop bailing out banks! This is AMERICA! This is Capitalism! If they illegally swap dirty mortgages and bet against the same loans they give out, knowing they will fail-making money on both ends--LET THEIR HOUSE OF CARDS FALL AND GO UP IN FLAMES! Who's gonna bail you out!? "Too big to fail!?" TOO BIG. You realize all these Treasury Bonds...they're owned by China?! There are talks of ending the American Dollar as the Worlds Reserve Currency. Talks between major nations, and we weren't invited. When that happens.... Oh we are in more trouble than you can imagine. It was in the news last week that India has dropped the dollar in buying oil from Iran; instead using Gold and Rupees. China is expected to follow suit with both the Yen and Gold.  That's because our dollar is losing it's power and confidence in our economy is in the toilet. The collapse of the dollar will single-handedly bring America to it's knees. If you don't believe me, research what top economists say about it. Read Porter Stansbury's "End of America. It's frightening.           With all our meddling abroad, in affairs that are not a threat to U.S Vital interests, the United States has unthinkingly embarked upon a neo-imperial policy that must involve us in virtually every great war of the coming century—and wars are the death of republics….  We continue on this course of reflexive interventions, enemies will again one day answer our power with the weapon of the weak—terror, and eventually another cataclysmic act of terrorism on U.S. soil… then liberty, the cause of the republic, will itself be in peril, more so than it is now.     All of these things have come to pass right under our noses. And we are to blame. The solution starts with us. Get involved at the local level. Fulfill your civic responsibilities. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't be offended by it, but don't think another regulation will solve the sins of government. Until individuals and neighborhoods get a grip on the local politicians what is happening at the national level will never change. You cannot get more out of something than what is put into it. Politics begins with mayors, judges, councilmen, tax assessors, school boards and all manner of individuals who are clamoring to get a cut of the big pie. Build the foundation correctly so the house can endure. The Constitution Of The United States Of America is a very good place to start. It is NOT a living document, but an ENDURING one. It should not be changed with the wind of whimsy. The right over regulates; the left over regulates and we get a pretty screwed up picture. Hell...we get present day America.  If necessity is the mother of invention, there needs to be more necessity and less regulation. The regulatory side should be such that if you are hungry and prefer stealing from your neighbor's garden then your punishment should be that you are required to hoe and pick for your neighbor until you know how to hoe and pick for yourself. If you kill someone in cold blood and are caught with certitude, you should be swiftly tried and then hang from a tree until you are dead, dead, dead. The horror of this should be televised for all to see. If you want to take the risk for yourself, you should know without doubt what the possible outcome will be.  I don't intend to condescend with this diatribe, but it amazes me to think we can put a bandage over a festering sore and never really deal with the pain of killing the infection. Our people have become lame and crippled while believing lies. Class warfare is dividing us and a divided house will not stand. But the people are too busy keeping up appearances to deal with substance.  The truth is that life is hard. It can be very harsh. There have always been rich people and poor people as there have always been charlatans, carpet-baggers and other criminal elements ready to exploit any sign of weakness. Regulation will not dilute the poison our government is pushing toward us, but truth will make us free. Education will not free us any more than practice will make perfect. TRUTH in education will free our minds just as PERFECT practice will make a practice perfect. Hard work and perseverence will help us to overcome. Honesty with ourselves and others enables us to comprehend lies when we hear them and neighbors loving neighbors will help us through lean times. During a GOP Debate when Dr. Ron Paul suggested we use the Golden Rule in our dealings with other countries-he was  BOOED by the Bible-Toting Tea-Partiers, to the point of Dr. Paul being inaudible! What a sad and telling moment in American history. I mean--my jaw dropped. Look up the video on Youtube. A sad and embarrassing sight.     When we think about Ron Paul's idea on NonInterventionism- lets look back at the presidencies leading up to Obama (and he's been no exception either). From the day George H. W. Bush took office to the day his son took the oath, the U.S. would invade Panama, smash Iraq, drive its army out of Kuwait, intervene in Somalia, occupy Haiti, move NATO to the border of Russia, establish a protectorate over Bosnia, bomb Serbia for 78 days, occupy Kosovo, adopt “dual containment” of Iraq and Iran, challenge China in the Taiwan Strait, & deploy thousands of U.S. troops on Saudi soil sacred to all Muslims.  So the United States embarks on "Preserving the Peace" & policing the entire planet and we scratch our heads in fucking awe and wonderment when more than half the world proclaims they hate us? Another problem the American people don't realize, is our covert actions abroad and the resulting "blowback." This is something Ron Paul is very well versed in when it comes to foreign policy. "Blowback" is what the CIA refers to when unintended consequences follow, after we stage coups and covertly aid in the overthrowing of various governments, leaders & dictators by providing intelligence, weapons, destabilization and puppet leaders. So when some event like a terrorist attack happens and we think its out of nowhere....its often directly related to our meddling in foreign affairs; Only the American people have no idea, most often, about the covert ops and more importantly WHY the unintended consequences that follow, are happening. For example, WE put Saddam in power. WE gave him the weapons used against his own people. Yes, unintended...but most Americans know nothing of it. I posted a video on my FB page. It explains a whole lot. For the reasons, concerns, and grave danger of losing more and more of our Freedoms & Liberties--I am behind Ron Paul. Sure there's things I don't like about him...but compared to the rest? Easy choice for me. Come November 2012, providing our constitution is still in place and we haven't embarked upon WWIII--hopefully we will see some positive change. Remember, it starts at the bottom. Please, if you don't know about NDAA or any of the other unconstitutional laws named...research them.  We have a chance to restore this great country, to bring it back to what it was founded on. We are a great country of great people. Don't let them divide us. We have the opportunity to turn things around.  I fear we have but a small window of time before it's too late, but if you want better for America and better for you children lets pull together and make things right! A quote I recently heard had an impact on me. And it is why I typed this novel of a rant. The quote: "Once you become knowledgeable, you have an obligation to tell others."

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